Joy 1: Lollypop
Joy #1: Lollypop.iso
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291 lines
/* options.c:
* finds which option in an array an argument matches
* jim frost 10.03.89
* Copyright 1989 Jim Frost.
* See included file "copyright.h" for complete copyright information.
#include "copyright.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "options.h"
/* options array and definitions. If you add something to this you also
* need to add its OptionId in options.h.
static OptionArray Options[] = {
/* global options
{ "border", BORDER, "color", "\
Set the color used for the border around centered or placed images.", },
{ "debug", DBUG, NULL, "\
Turn on synchronous mode for debugging.", },
{ "default", DEFAULT, NULL, "\
Set the root background to the default pattern and colors.", },
{ "delay", DELAY, "seconds", "\
Set the automatic advance delay for all images.", },
{ "display", DISPLAY, NULL, "\
Indicate the X display you would like to use.", },
{ "fit", FIT, NULL, "\
Force the image(s) to use the default colormap.", },
{ "fork", FORK, NULL, "\
Background automatically. Turns on -quiet.", },
{ "fullscreen", FULLSCREEN, NULL, "\
Use the whole screen for displaying an image. If -onroot is also specified,\n\
the image will be zoomed to fit the size of the screen.", },
{ "geometry", GEOMETRY, "window_geometry", "\
Specify the size of the display window. Ignored if -fullscreen is given.\n\
If used in conjunction with -onroot, this defines the size of the base image.", },
{ "help", HELP, "[option ...]", "\
Give help on a particular option or series of options. If no option is\n\
supplied, a list of available options is given.", },
{ "identify", IDENTIFY, NULL, "\
Identify images rather than displaying them.", },
{ "install", INSTALL, NULL, "\
Force colormap installation. This option is useful for naive window managers\n\
which do not know how to handle colormap installation, but should be avoided\n\
unless necessary.", },
{ "list", LIST, NULL, "\
List the images along the image path. Use `xloadimage -path' to see the\n\
current image path.", },
{ "onroot", ONROOT, NULL, "\
Place the image on the root window. If used in conjunction with -fullscreen,\n\
the image will be zoomed to fit. -border, -at, and -center also affect the\n\
results.", },
{ "path", PATH, NULL, "\
Display the image path and default extensions that are loaded from the\n\
.xloadimagerc file.", },
{ "pixmap", PIXMAP, NULL, "\
Force the use of a pixmap as backing store. This may improve performance but\n\
may not work on memory-limited servers.", },
{ "private", PRIVATE, NULL, "\
Force the use of a private colormap. This happens automatically if a visual\n\
other than the default is used. This is the opposite of -fit.", },
{ "quiet", QUIET, NULL, "\
Turn off verbose mode. This is the default if using -onroot or -windowid.", },
{ "supported", SUPPORTED, NULL, "\
Give a list of the supported image types.", },
{ "verbose", VERBOSE, NULL, "\
Turn on verbose mode. This is the default if using -view.", },
{ "version", VER_NUM, NULL, "\
Show the version number of this version of xloadimage.", },
{ "view", VIEW, NULL, "\
View an image in a window. This is the default for all but xsetbg.", },
{ "visual", VISUAL, NULL, "\
Force the use of a particular visual to display an image. Normally xloadimage\n\
will attempt to pick a visual which is reasonable for the supplied image.", },
{ "windowid", WINDOWID, "window_id", "\
Set the background of a particular window. This is similar to -onroot and\n\
is useful for servers which use an untagged virtual root. The window ID\n\
should be supplied as a hexadecimal number, eg 0x40003.", },
/* image options
{ "at", AT, NULL, "\
Load the image onto the base image (if using -merge) or the root window (if\n\
using -onroot) at a specific location. If used in conjunction with -onroot\n\
this forces the -fullscreen flag on.", },
{ "background", BACKGROUND, "color", "\
Set the background pixel color for a monochrome image. See -foreground and\n\
-invert.", },
{ "brighten", BRIGHT, "percentage", "\
Brighten or darken the image by a percentage. Values greater than 100 will\n\
brighten the image, values smaller than 100 will darken it.", },
{ "center", CENTER, NULL, "\
Center the image on the base image (if using -merge) or the root window (if\n\
using -onroot). If used in conjunction with -onroot this forces the\n\
-fullscreen flag on.", },
{ "clip", CLIP, "X,Y,W,H", "\
Clip out the rectangle specified by X,Y,W,H and use that as the image.", },
{ "colors", COLORS, "number_of_colors", "\
Specify the maximum number of colors to be used in displaying the image.\n\
Values of 1-32768 are acceptable although low values will not look good.\n\
This is done automatically if the server cannot support the depth of the\n\
image.", },
{ "dither", DITHER, NULL, "\
Dither the image into monochrome. This happens automatically if sent to\n\
a monochrome display.", },
{ "foreground", FOREGROUND, "color", "\
Set the foreground pixel color for a monochrome image. See -background and\n\
-invert.", },
{ "gamma", GAMMA, "value", "\
Adjust the image's colors by a gamma value. 1.0 is the default, which does\n\
nothing. Values under 1.0 darken the image, values higher brighten it.\n\
Typically a dark image needs a value of 2.0 to 2.5. This option is similar\n\
to -brighten but often works better.", },
{ "goto", GOTO, "image_name", "\
Start displaying a particlar image. This is useful for creating image display\n\
loops. If two images with the target name exist, the first in the argument list\n\
will be used.", },
{ "gray", GRAY, NULL, "\
Convert a color image to grayscale. Also called -grey.", },
{ "grey", GRAY, NULL, "\
See -gray.", },
{ "halftone", HALFTONE, NULL, "\
Dither the image into monochrome using a halftone dither. This preserves\n\
image detail but blows the image up by sixteen times.", },
{ "idelay", IDELAY, NULL, "\
Set the automatic advance delay for this image. This overrides -delay\n\
temporarily.", },
{ "invert", INVERT, NULL, "\
Invert a monochrome image. This is the same as specifying `-foreground black'\n\
and `-background white'.", },
{ "merge", MERGE, NULL, "\
Merge this image onto the previous image. When used in conjunction with\n\
-at, -center, and -clip you can generate collages.", },
{ "name", NAME, NULL, "\
Specify that the next argument is to be the name of an image. This is\n\
useful for loading images whose names look to be options.", },
{ "newoptions", NEWOPTIONS, NULL, "\
Clear the options which propagate to all following images. This is useful\n\
for turning off image processing options which were specified for previous\n\
images.", },
{ "normalize", NORMALIZE, NULL, "\
Normalize the image. This expands color coverage to fit the colormap as\n\
closely as possible. It may have good effects on an image which is too\n\
bright or too dark.", },
{ "rotate", ROTATE, "degrees", "\
Rotate the image by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.", },
{ "smooth", SMOOTH, NULL, "\
Perform a smoothing convolution on the image. This is useful for making\n\
a zoomed image look less blocky. Multiple -smooth arguments will run\n\
the smoother multiple times. This option can be quite slow on large images.", },
{ "xzoom", XZOOM, "percentage", "\
Zoom the image along the X axis by a percentage. See -zoom.", },
{ "yzoom", YZOOM, "percentage", "\
Zoom the image along the X axis by a percentage. See -zoom.", },
{ "zoom", ZOOM, NULL, "\
Zoom the image along both axes. Values smaller than 100 will reduce the\n\
size of the image, values greater than 100 will enlarge it. See also\n\
-xzoom and -yzoom.", },
OptionId optionNumber(arg)
char *arg;
{ int a, b;
if ((*arg) != '-')
for (a= 0; Options[a].name; a++) {
if (!strncmp(arg + 1, Options[a].name, strlen(arg) - 1)) {
for (b= a + 1; Options[b].name; b++)
if (!strncmp(arg + 1, Options[b].name, strlen(arg) - 1))
static void listOptions()
{ int a, width;
printf("\nThe options are:\n\n");
width= 0;
for (a= 0; Options[a].name; a++) {
width += strlen(Options[a].name) + 2;
if (width > 78) {
width= strlen(Options[a].name) + 2;
printf("%s%s", Options[a].name, (Options[a + 1].name ? ", " : "\n\n"));
static int helpOnOption(option)
char *option;
{ int a, foundone;
if (*option == '-')
foundone= 0;
for (a= 0; Options[a].name; a++)
if (!strncmp(Options[a].name, option, strlen(option))) {
printf("Option: %s\nUsage: xloadimage -%s %s\nDescription:\n%s\n\n",
Options[a].name, Options[a].name,
(Options[a].args ? Options[a].args : ""),
foundone= 1;
if (!foundone) {
printf("No option `%s'.\n", option);
static void literalMindedUser(s)
char *s;
printf("The quotes around %s are unnecessary. You don't have to be so\n\
literal-minded!\n", s);
void help(option)
char *option;
{ char buf[BUFSIZ];
/* batch help facility
if (option) {
if (!helpOnOption(option))
Type `xloadimage -help [option ...]' to get help on a particular option or\n\
`xloadimage -help' to enter the interactive help facility.\n\n");
/* interactive help facility
printf("\nXloadimage Interactive Help Facility\n\n");
Type `?' for a list of options, or `.' or `quit' to leave the interactive\n\
help facility.\n");
for (;;) {
printf("help> ");
buf[BUFSIZ - 1]= '\0';
fgets(buf, BUFSIZ - 1, stdin);
while(buf[strlen(buf) - 1] == '\n')
buf[strlen(buf) - 1]= '\0';
/* help keywords
if (!strcmp(buf, "")) {
printf("Type `?' for a list of options\n");
if (!strcmp(buf, "?"))
else if (!strcmp(buf, "quit") || !strcmp(buf, "."))
else if (!strcmp(buf, "`?'"))
literalMindedUser("the question mark");
else if (!strcmp(buf, "`quit'")) {
else if (!strcmp(buf, "`.'")) {
literalMindedUser("the period");
else if (helpOnOption(buf))
You may get this list again by typing `?' at the `help>' prompt, or leave\n\
the interactive help facility with `.' or `quit'.\n");